Deborah Clarke, L.Ac.


What are people saying?


"Deb is a wonderful healer using acupuncture and massage. Her experience and assessment skills are amazing. I have been seeing Deb for over 10 years. She has treated me for numerous conditions. I will continue treatments with Deb for as long as she practices. She has my highest recommendation."    Sandi Lewis


"I have chronic pain and I have been going to Deb for massage for years. She's fantastic! Recently I have had dual sessions with German Auricular Acupuncture and massage together. The results have been amazing! I highly recommend you give that a try!"    Jane Kahnke


"Please visit Vital Flow Acupuncture & Massage Deborah Clarke, L.Ac. I highly recommend you visit Deb. I am currently working with menstrual cycle irregularities and after two visits with Deb there has been tremendous improvement. I am also working with trauma and grief, and there has been great anxiety and stress relief after receiving the treatments. You must try the German Ear Acupuncture and Massage. Working with Deb is a true life changing experience and I am grateful for this time and treatment."    Casey Rhode


 "I have been seeing Deb for 3 years for Acupuncture and Massage and she is a wonderful, talented and caring professional who gives me immense relief overall and specifically from some older neck injuries. Deb is a natural healer and I encourage anyone to seek her help."    Erin Campbell


"Deb did a great job of restoring my range of motion after a car accident six years ago. I had exhausted many other options (physical therapy, chiropractic, other massage therapists). Since that time, she has worked with me to keep my body moving and active."    Tim Faust


"Deb literally changed my life, I have suffered from severe depression and suicidal ideation since at least the age of 12. After a car accident in May I began seeing Deb for message and acupuncture to treat back pain. In that process she began German Ear Acupuncture on me. The spots in my ear that flagged the most were indeed for different areas on my back along with depression and anxiety. [Trying to keep this brief while still conveying the impact those treatments have had on my life...] A month into this sort of treatment I was driving one day and realized there was no looming voice suggesting I just end it all, there was minimal to NO gloom in my thought processes, could this be? The only change in my life was starting acupuncture. It took me a couple of days to process what was going on, or not going on for that matter... Even on two mental health medications I still used to feel a level of gloom and desire to die, so this new realization was a lot to try and grasp. 6 months later I have gone off one of the depression "medications and still feel life changing reprieve from mental health symptoms. Deb is wonderful to work with, so genuine and knowledgeable about her practices! *Please note I am not a doctor, or mental health professional, this is solely me sharing my experience in hopes it may help someone else in some way*"    Catie Locker


"I love everything about Vital Flow. Deb is a wonderful and caring spirit who focuses so intensely on my body to really heal pain and stress. You can tell that she has a lot of experience and is well versed in her craft. I tried acupuncture for my very first time with her and am amazed with the results. I now like receiving the *acusage* treatment which is both a mix of acupuncture and massage. I will definitely continue to see Deb and will recommend her everyone!"    Rae Ellingsworth


"Deb is by far the most in-tune acupuncturist I have seen. She has been treating me regularly for the last few months, and my results have been phenomenal. Her massage is deep and focused. You leave your session feeling light as a feather. I highly recommend her to anyone interested in self-care. You will not be disappointed."             Dr Patricia Wolff


"I've known and had treatments from Deborah for over four years. She's treated a strained shoulder, colds and overall stress with her massage and acupuncture. My most recent treatment with her resulted in a small miracle--a first time mom and new to breastfeeding, one of my breasts was prone to mastitis and clogging (and it never pumped well) for over a year after giving birth to my first child. I tried herbs, hot compresses, painful self massage, drinking lots of water--nothing helped. One treatment with Deb's auricular acupuncture and by the same evening that breast was soft and renewed! I haven't had it act up since and it's now my daughters side of choice. AMAZING! I also just love being treated by Deb--her space is healing and feels safe. She is kind and honest and a true healer--of the body, mind and soul. I would recommend Deb to anyone--for stress, to treating chronic conditions to newly acquired issues--she has the experience and ability to handle it all! And her rates are crazy affordable for access to her deep knowledge, experience and wisdom."    Paula Parker


"I have been seeing Deborah for over 15 years and her expertise and wholistic integrated approach is phenomenal. To be able to see one person for awesome massages or stress relief through acupuncture is both therapeutic and convenient. I appreciate her honesty about what she can and can’t fix as well as her knowledge about what I can do on my own to feel better. I love how much better I feel after an hour of treatment. If you’re looking for a professional with a personal touch who truly cares about your results, make your appointment now. You will be glad you did."    Fred Toenniges


"Deb has truly been my health guru for my mind, body and soul! I have been going to Deb for almost ten years and she has helped me through absolutely anything I have brought to her. Through the use of massage and acupuncture, Deb has aided my healing from a car accident, a difficult surgery, stress, shingles, and several other issues. The most amazing results that I have seen from a visit with Deb was how she treated my shingles. When I arrived for my first treatment for shingles, I explained to Deb that I felt like a burning hot ice cream scoop was tearing out my insides - obviously I was in pain and all I had read was that shingles could take WEEKS to heal and it was very painful. After my treatment with Deb, I felt IMMEDIATE relief from the pain - IMMEDIATE relief, and the shingles themselves, they were gone within a week; a true miracle!"

"Through all of the difficulties that I have brought Deb's way, she always finds a way to make me feel better as we work through the treatment and laugh; I truly enjoy Deb's quick wit, good nature, and healing love when I'm with her."

"Lastly, as a side note - I have appreciated her expertise in Feng Shui as well. She has successfully guided me through new homes, new jobs and setting up my school classroom in a manner that both my students and I can succeed."    Jennifer Heyer